Category: Recent Posts

NASA reveals image of the Son of God

We have entered an age when those who once believed Christ existed, have begun to doubt, and have cast Him off as an invention of the White oppressor.   So the Most High has...

Mount Kenya is Mount Zion

Mount Kenya is Mount Zion For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation (Psalms 132:13) The realisation that Mount Kenya is the biblical Mount Zion and that the Most...

The Kingdom of Judah in West Africa

The Kingdom of Judah in West Africa by P Henry The discovery of the 1747 map of the kingdom of Juda in West Africa in 2012 has caused quite a sensation.  With the exception...

Second Exodus or Rapture?

Will there be a Second Exodus? “Prince of Egypt”  P Henry Will there be a second Exodus? Most theologians would agree, that the prophecy given to Abraham of the 400 year captivity of his...

Letter of King David 1165

Letter of King David 1165

” In the three Indies our Magnificence rules, and our land extends beyond India, where rests the body of the holy apostle Thomas [Judas the Twin]; it reaches towards the sunrise over the wastes,”