Author: wwwbpeed

Mount Kenya is Mount Zion

Mount Kenya is Mount Zion For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation (Psalms 132:13) The realisation that Mount Kenya is the biblical Mount Zion and that the Most...

The Kingdom of Judah in West Africa

The Kingdom of Judah in West Africa by P Henry The discovery of the 1747 map of the kingdom of Juda in West Africa in 2012 has caused quite a sensation.  With the exception...

Second Exodus or Rapture?

Will there be a Second Exodus? “Prince of Egypt”  P Henry Will there be a second Exodus? Most theologians would agree, that the prophecy given to Abraham of the 400 year captivity of his...

Letter of King David 1165

Letter of King David 1165

” In the three Indies our Magnificence rules, and our land extends beyond India, where rests the body of the holy apostle Thomas [Judas the Twin]; it reaches towards the sunrise over the wastes,”