Ethiopians Children of Ham


Ethiopians Children of Ham

Wonderful Ethiopians by D. Houston

Drusilla Dunjee Houston

The Ethiopians are the Children of Ham


In Wonderful Ethiopians, Drusilla Huston writes:

The minds of men today are stirred with eager questionings about the origin of civilization and about the part the different races of mankind played in its development.

“Cushite colonies were all along the southern shores of Asia and Africa and by the archaeological remains, along the southern and eastern coasts of Arabia.

The name Cush was given to four great areas, Media, Persia, Susiana and Aria, or the whole territory between the Indus and Tigris in prehistoric times. In Africa the Ethiopians, the Egyptians, the Libyans, the Canaanites and Phoenicians were all descendants of Ham.

They were a black or dark colored race and the pioneers of our civilization. We learn that when the Celt and Teuton call the Ethiopians of the new world “Uncle” and “Auntie,” they are using titles that are scientifically true.

There seems to be a worldwide conspiracy in literature to conceal the facts that this book unfolds. Because of this suppression of truth, world crimes have been easily made possible against the Ethiopian. …

The author says:

”The native name of Egypt was Khem, the black land. The name came not so much from the color of the soil as the hue of the inhabitants.” …”During the Hyksos invasion, the native royal family of lower Egypt took refuge in Ethiopia.

Western civilization has grudgingly recognized that homo sapiens evolved in Africa, within the last 40 years through the work of Richard and Louis Leakey and the discovery of the “Lucy” skelital evidence in Ethiopia.
However, Drusilla Huston’s book  Wonderful Ethipians, copiously documents legends of African culture before the dessication of the Sahara and the Egyto-Nubian desserts. She continued with ancient references to the ancient Kushite and Ethiopian civilizations and Kings refered to by Homer, Heroditus, Diodorus, Massey Champoleon and others to flesh out the stories of the Nubian, Nahesey, Napatan, Meroic, Alumic, Egyptian, Summarian and Ethiopian nations over 75 years ago.

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